Dr. John Sviokla
As a visionary executive leader, I am pioneering the creation of groundbreaking economic value in service markets by harnessing the transformative power of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge digital innovations.
My hands-on work as a senior executive emphasizes long-term collaborations with teams to lead technology-driven change.
​I start at the highest level of imparting intellectual understanding of the way artificial intelligence and other digital applications function and how they will evolve a market work I have been doing since I was a professor at Harvard Business School and created some of the first thought-leadership on the coming world of AI (Putting Expert Systems to Work, Harvard Business Review (HBR) 1988), and digital competition (Managing in the Marketspace, HBR 1994, Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain, HBR 1995). From that foundation of knowledge, I work with teams to develop technology- and data-driven businesses to capture new sources of value.